Title: Impurity Bound States and Greens Function Zeroes as Local Signatures of Topology
Abstract: We show that the local in-gap Greens function of a band insulator G0(ϵ,k∥,r⊥=0), with r⊥ the position perpendicular to a codimension-1 or -2 impurity, reveals the topological nature of the phase. For a topological insulator, the eigenvalues of this Greens function attain zeros in the gap, whereas for a trivial insulator the eigenvalues remain nonzero. This topological classification is related to the existence of in-gap bound states along codimension-1 and -2 impurities. Whereas codimension-1 impurities can be viewed as ‘soft edges’, the result for codimension-2 impurities is nontrivial and allows for a direct experimental measurement of the topological nature of 2d insulators.
Reference: Robert-Jan Slager, Louk Rademaker, Jan Zaanen, Leon Balents, arXiv:1504.04881 (2015)