At the EXCON 2012 conference in Groningen and at the `Innovations in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems’ Summer School and Workshop at the ICTP (Trieste, Italy) I presented this poster about the most recent developments in the exciton business. You can download the poster here (PDF, 1.6 MB).
Talk@Bristol: Mott insulator bilayers
As a quasi-member of the Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems (ICE) group from Hans Hilgenkamp I joined the ICE2UK-tour. Together with Marcel Hoek, who is also on the VICI project, I gave a talk in Bristol – the hometown of Nevill F. Mott! We couldn’t resist, the talk is called ‘Mott insulator bilayers’, and can be downloaded here (PDF, 10 MB).
Poster Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2012
At this years edition of the annual Dutch Physics@FOM conference in Veldhoven I will present a poster entitled “Exciton condensation in strongly correlated electron bilayers“. Actually, for the first time the poster will actually be about exciton condensation, the initial goal of my PhD research.
In the picture here you see an excerpt from the poster, explaining the exciton t-J model Hamiltonian. The poster itself can be downloaded here (pdf, 1.3 MB).
Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2010 / Lorentz Workshop April 2011 Poster
At the Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2010 (January 19, 2010) conference I presented a poster with the title “How a Neutral and Massless Superfluid can still exhibit Flux Quantization” (pdf, 2.8 MB).
Image: In concentric bilayers a supercurrent of excitons will exhibit a quantization of the flux in between the two cylinders. The magnetic field lines are shown in red. (Figure made by Jeroen Huijben.)
Update, March 12, 2010: Recently we found that the results, as presented in Veldhoven, were not completely correct. Flux quantization does appear in exciton double layers, however, the trapped flux must be a multiple of $latex \frac{h}{e} \chi_m$ where $latex \chi_m$ is the diamagnetic susceptibility of the exciton double layer.
Update, April 4, 2011: At the Lorentz workshop ‘100th Anniversary of Superconductivity’ I presented a corrected version of the poster. The results have by now been peer-reviewed and published in PRB. On this website I replaced the incorrect old version with the new correct version!
Presentation at Casimir Spring School 2010
Last week at the Casimir Spring School 2010 I was invited to give a talk on my work on ‘Flux Quantization in Double Layer Exciton Superfluids’. With this talk I was awarded the prize for best oral presentation! 🙂 You can download the presentation here in Powerpoint-format. Note that this talk is intended for general physics PhD-audiences. A more theoretical talk can be found here.
Title: Flux Quantization in Double Layer Exciton Superfluids (pptx, 7.5 MB)
Abstract: We predict an unconventional magnetic flux quantization effect to occur in double layer exciton superfluids and we discuss designs for a device to measure this universal electromagnetic signature of the exciton superfluid. This would provide an unambiguous test for the macroscopic phase coherence associated with an exciton Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Presentation at DRSTP School 2010
At the Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics AIO/OIO School for Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (aka the DRSTP SPTCM School 2010) I gave the following presentation on flux quantization in the exciton double layers. Note that this talk is aimed at a theoretical PhD-students level.
Title: Magnetic Flux Quantization in Double Layer Exciton Superfluids (pptx, 7.9 MB)