Title: Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of exciton condensation in the bilayer Hubbard model
Abstract: We studied the possibility of exciton condensation in a strongly correlated bilayer extended Hubbard model using Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo. To model both the onsite repulsion U and the interlayer interaction V we introduced a novel update scheme extending the standard Sherman-Morrison update. We observe that the sign problem increases dramatically with the inclusion of the interlayer interaction V, which prohibits at this stage a unequivocal conclusion regarding the presence of exciton condensation. However, enhancement of the interlayer tunneling results suggest that the strongest exciton condensation tendency lies around 10-20 % p/n-doping. Magnetic properties and conductivity turn out to be relatively independent of the interlayer interaction.
Reference: Louk Rademaker, Steve Johnston, Jan Zaanen, Jeroen van den Brink, arXiv:1310.0623