Title: Influence of long-range interactions on charge ordering phenomena on a square lattice
Abstract: Usually complex charge ordering phenomena arise due to competing interactions. We have studied how such ordered patterns emerge from the frustration of a long-ranged interaction on a lattice. Using the lattice gas model on a square lattice with fixed particle density, we have identified several interesting phases; such as a generalization of Wigner crystals at low particle densities and stripe phases at densities in between rho = 1/3 and rho = 1/2. These stripes act as domain walls in the checkerboard phase present at half-filling. The phases are characterised at zero temperatures using numerical simulations, and mean field theory is used to construct a finite temperature phase diagram.
Reference: Louk Rademaker, Yohanes Pramudya, Jan Zaanen, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, arXiv:1304.3643